Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tyler Perry; A Man of Many Faces

When thinking about a famous playwright who has inspired me, connect to me on a personal level, and is a great entertainer, I instantly think of the great Tyler Perry. Tyler Perry is a man of many different talents and faces. Writing, directing and acting in his own plays, he has somehow found a way to focus on a particular group of people while at the same time not eliminating anyone out.

Majority of Tyler Perry plays such as I Can Do Bad All By Myself, Diary of A Mad Black Women, and Madea’s Family Reunion are focused on religion, family, and love. He starts each play out introducing the family, the problem that they are dealing with, and always the turning point of the story is when the characters of the story realized that all hope is not lost and with family, love, and a little prayer things can change.

His concept and his morals are just a few of the things I love about his plays. The way Tyler Perry promotes his themes is what fascinates me. He uses inspirational songs and his realistic characters.

His character Mable Simmons, which Tyler Perry plays, is also known as Madea. She is a big woman, about 6 feet or more in height, very overweight, old and loud. She wears a floral house coat; she always carries a black purse which holds her nine miller meter hand gun in one hand, while in her other hand she holds a lite cigarette. Madea is a live wire in the family, running from the police, getting arrested, and smoking marijuana. What makes her character so important is, although she is the livewire she is also the rock which holds the family together. Being an older woman who experienced much in life she has a lot of wisdom and lessons to offer and teach and in her own way she offers it, even if she has to use her gun.
Tyler Perry uses Madea often to bring the family back together. Madea’s are very common in American families. Not all are crazy or walk around with a gun, but every family has an elder relative who holds up the family tree and is the go to person when they are in need of inspirational words.

He also uses her as a speaker to the audience. Often when the character is speaking she directs her attention to the audience and will say a phrase like:

“You know, I don't know what's wrong with folks, ain't anything wrong with these kids, they just need some love and support and discipline. I see people taking in foster kids just to get money off of them; you need to watch how you treat these kids. I don't know who I'm talking to, but there's a lady in this section somewhere, watch how you treat them”

The audience will clap and cheer and the message was delivered just like that. Creative Right?

I’ve witness many of Tyler Perry’s plays, some in theater others were recorded plays. I use to sit and watch, laugh at the animated characters and enjoy the songs that were sung. However, after taking up Intro to Theater and getting a better understanding on the concept and the task it takes just to make a productive play, I appreciate the art playwrights like Tyler Perry create. I was able to go back, analyze the characters and their meanings.

Tyler Perry work in my opinion is admirable. He became known for his own creativity and talent. He is able to act out his own characters; he can produce his own shows, and direct them as well. He was able to make himself a millionaire and overcome all the doubts from others. After learning his life story I would add always be self-motivated to my list of aspirations.

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