Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Too Perfect To Fail

Scene 1; Stage 1
The scene opens with London standing in front of her mirror applying her brand new Estee Lauder lipstick to her puckered lips. She steps back finger her long black satin hair then steps back admiring her outfit of choice. Giving herself the stamp of approval she leaves the bathroom heading to the kitchen.
Her mother Laura and Father Calib sits at the table drinking coffee.

London: Good morning mother, good morning father. She says in a singing voice
Calib: Good morning honey. He leans over to give her a kiss on her cheek.
Laura: Wow, are you going to school or are you going to a photo shoot?
London: I wish it was the later but, sorry to disappoint you but its only school.
Calib: Is this how school girls dress now? What happen to the uniform policy?
London: Daddy this is high school not elementary. They allow us the right to express ourselves.
Laura: If that’s what you call it. She says snidely
London: Ok, it looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I’ll eat breakfast at school. Good bye you guys.
Calib: Be safe
London: I will London walks toward the door
Laura: And London don’t forget to be home right after you get out of school. Scouts from Princeton will be here to talk to you about your scholarship.
London: Ok.
Closing the door, London got in her cherry red convertible and rush to school.
The scene fades out.

Scene 1; Stage 2
The scene opens with Samantha, Carly, and Maliah, posted on their lockers discussing after school plans.
Carly: My mom said she would be working late tonight so I guess we could hang at my house and watch a movie.
Maliah: What about your annoying brother? What you gonna do with him?
Carly: He’s not gonna bother us.
Samantha: Yeah right that’s what you said last time.
Carly: Then you come up with an idea.
At this time London walked over to her friends.
London: What yall talking about?
Maliah: It’s Friday we just coming up with plans for after school. What you want to do.
London: Nothing, I have to go home after school. Princeton’s coming to my house to talk about track.
Samantha: You are so lucky! I wish I had a talent.
Maliah: You do. Laying on your back.
The girls busted out into laughter. Hearing the bell ring all the girls hugged goodbye and went to their separate classes.
Scene 1; Stage 3-Math Class
The class is full of talking student. The teacher writes CALCULUS 101 on the board.
Math Teacher: All right class today we are discussing our favorite topic Calculus!
The class erupts in sighs and frustration. Sitting in the back of the class, London digs in her red bookbag in search of a pen, Todd walks behind her placing his hands over her eyes.
Todd: Guess who?
London: Trey Songz?
Todd: Yeah right girl.
Sitting in the seat next to her he smiled devilishly at her.
London: Why you eyeing me like that. She blushed.
Todd: You look nice today that’s all. Where you going?
London: Nowhere.
Todd: Damn, I thought you were coming over my house today to help me study.
London: I forgot. She frowned. But I have to go home I have a school coming to see me.
Todd: Damn you that good?
London: Hell Yeah!
They both laughed at her arrogant statement.
Math Teacher: Todd, London.. Turn to page 97 and shut your traps!
The scene fades out and goes to next stage.
Scene 1; Stage 4-After Class
After school, Sam, Maliah, and Carly once again stand surrounding their lockers looking for a place to go. Spotting London down the hall talking to Todd, Maliah called out to her. Telling Todd to wait a minute she walked over to her friends.
Maliah: Since you going home to meet up with Princeton we thought we’d get a ride with you.
London: I’m not going straight home. I’m going to help Todd with his Spanish work. He got finals coming up.
Carly: What happen to Princeton?
London: I’m going to stay over his house for just a minute and run home. I’ll make it in time.
Samantha: You better hope so. I would hate for you to miss that opportunity.
London: Please I am not missing anything. Besides I’m not like you scrubs I have plenty options!
Maliah: You think you are so perfect London. God don’t like ugly and he ain’t to find of beauty.
London: I have everything and yall got nothing. That’s why yall waiting on me for a ride. Cause you have none. She laughs at them
With that she walks away to meet up with Todd.
Maliah: She thinks she too perfect to become a failure
Scene 1; Stage 5- Later that night…
Seeing the lights were off in the house, London quietly stuck her keys in the hole and turns the knob slowly. Before she could push it open it was pulled open with so much force she fell through landing on the floor.
Laura: London Marie Radcliff, where the hell have you been? Do you not know how late it is!
Standing to her feet, London brushed imaginary dust off her jeans. She was to ashamed to look in her mother’s eyes.
Laura: I know you going to answer me right?
London: I’m sorry mom time just flew by
Laura: Time just flew by? What kind of an excuse is that London!? Princeton was here today. He waited for you for an hour London.
London: I’m sorry mom!
Laura: Yes you are. London if you don’t care about your life and your career then let me now so I’ll stop!
London: It’s not to late mom, I’ll call them tomorrow, tell them something came up and we’ll have another meeting. They want me. I’m the best at what I do, they will brush pass this incident.
Laura shook her head at her daughter. She had no choose but to laugh. Laugh at her naivetés.
Laura: You just don’t get it! You think everything is gonna be given to you and you can just get what you want because you say sorry? Life does not work like that London.
Taking a deep, Laura wiped her hand over her face, in an exhausted manor
Laura: I don’t know what else to say to you London. Go up to your room. You’re grounded for the weekend.
London: What! I made plans with Todd to go to the movies to see Twilight.
Laura: I guess you gonna be missing it because you are not leaving this house. I mean it!
London: You are so dramatic! I can’t stand to live here another second! I can’t wait till I graduate and go to college. She yelled stomping her feet up the steps
Laura: Just hope you make it there!
Scene 2; Stage 1-Girl Locker room
Two months later…
The scene opens in the girl’s locker room after gym class. Sam and Carly ears are pressed up against the bathroom door where they can hear London vomiting.
Samantha: London is you ok? Do you want us to call the nurse?
London: No. I’m fine I’ll be out in a minute.
Carly: Are you sure?
London: Yeah you can go. I’ll see you guys later.
Shttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifamantha: Ok, call us later on.
When the coast was clear, London open the door and walked out heading to her locker. Putting in her combination she opened her locked and got her spare toothbrush and toothpaste. Going back into the bathroom she groomed herself, then prepared to go home.
When London got home, her house reeked of fried seafood.
London: Oh my god what are you guys cooking? She walked into the kitchen where her parents sat devouring over a pile of crabs, shrimp, scallops, and clams.
Calib: Its seafood Saturday. Go grab a bib and dig in with us.
London: Yuck! That smells gross.
Laura: Seafood Saturdays use to be your favorite.
London: Not anymore it smells like trash. I’ll eat at Todd’s tonight.
She was about to leave when her mother called out to her. Excusing herself from the table Laura pulled London to close to her.
Laura: Last night I heard you throwing up. Is there anything you need to tell me?
London: Like?
Laura: I was just asking London. I know we fight and argue but I am your mother and I love you.
London: Ok, sensitive. She replied sarcastically. If it was something wrong I would tell you. Now can I go?
Letting her go, Laura watched her daughter walk out the house.
Scene 3; Stage 1
The weeks were going by an every night like clockwork; Laura would lie in bed and listen to her daughter barf up her dinner. Finally having enough Laura sat up in bed, walking quietly over to her night stand she open the draw and removed the plastic bag which held a white and pink box. Walking out the room she headed down the hallway. Opening the door she saw her daughter bent over the toilet coughing.
Looking up from the porcelain London frowned at her mother.

London: Get out mom.
Laura: Look at you. London I expected much more from you. Throwing the plastic bag towards her daughter it landed by her foot.
Laura: Go ahead. Open the bag.
Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she reached down and grabbed the bag. Inside was a pregnancy test.
London: Mom I am not in the mood for your crap! She got up from the floor trying to walk pass. Laura pushed her back.
Laura: You have your head so far up your ass you don’t even notice you gained at least 10lbs and your stomach is not as flat as it used to! You are pregnant! She screamed as tears rain down her cheek.
London: I am not! Move mom! She tried to push pass again.
Laura: Take the test London now! Laura bent down to get the box and shoved it in London face.
London: No! Get out of my way!
Hearing the screaming Calib ran down the hall to see what was going on.
Calib: What the hell is going on?
London: Laura is having one of her tantrums again!
Laura: Your daughter is pregnant.
Calib: Pregnant? Calib frowned his face looking at his daughter with dismay.
London: She is lying please tell her leave me alone daddy. Tears of frustration ran down her face.
Laura: Then take the test.
Calib: Yeah London, take the test. If you are not pregnant your mother will apologize and this mess will be over. We will be outside.
Grabbing his wife hand they exited the bathroom. London stood in the bathroom all alone. Opening the box she slowly removed the tube covered in plastic. Reading the instructions she took the test. In less then two minutes a pink line occurred in the window.
London: Damn
Scene 3; Stage 2
Walking out the bathroom to her parent’s room, she heard her mother crying. Lauren sat on the bed while Calib soothe her by patting her back and kissing her softly on the cheek.
Laura: I tried with her. We were good parents. We didn’t spoil her that much, we sent her to good schools, after school programs to enhance her knowledge and talents, I never wanted her to make the same mistakes I did. That’s why I gave her everything she needed and wanted so she wouldn’t go out there have sex with some simple little boy and become a mom so young. Wiping her red nose with a Kleenex tissue, she looked at her husband.
Laura: Where did I go wrong? Weren’t we the perfect parents?
The scene goes to the hallway where London sits holding the pregnancy test. Her head is against the wall as silent tears trail down her already tear drenched face. The question that echoes is “How did this happen”. The question plays in different tones doing from deep to auto tune.
Having an answer London wipes her tears coming to terms with the idea of her failing her parents and herself. She said looking up at the ceiling
London: Damn… I guess I ain’t so perfect after all.

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