Thursday, December 15, 2011

Romeo and Juliet Scene and Costume

I had decided to do a scene and costume design for Romeo and Juliet. I decided to do both because both play a role in the mood and meaning. The story of Romeo and Juliet is about wealth and love. So I knew I wanted my scene where Romeo and Juliet met to be a fancy ball type room, have the color red to symbol love.

The costumes that I wanted the two main characters to have is something that will resemble their status and age. In the story Juliet is described as a young girl around the age 14, she is beautiful rich yet naive. Her outfit will be simple yet elegant.
Juliet will wear a white dress to symbolize purity. Her hairstyle is a bun, with white dove shape band around it would symbolize caged birds trying to be free, like Juliet wants to be. Her pearls will show her wealth.

Romeo will have on a simple attire. Nothing too fancy, because in the play he wasn’t worried about his wealth. He was a lover boy so he didn’t where much armor. So he will wear the classic tights, vest and puffy shirt, with a cap.

This is their meeting attire. The scene and outfit they wore at first sight.

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